Raspberry Habanero Sauce

Item Number: 9702


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Red raspberries and habanero peppers create a unique, sweet and hot sauce. Add a kick to grilled, broiled or roasted meats, such as duck, lamb and poultry. Pour it over cream cheese or warm Brie, or mix it in a vinaigrette for salad.  411 g. 

Contains no high-fructose corn syrup.

As of September 1, 2014, all Pampered Chef® rubs, seasoning mixes and savory sauces are gluten-free and easily identified by a red starburst on the label that reads “Gluten Free”. If you are unsure if your Pantry Product is gluten-free, we recommend that you review the ingredient list on the label of your bottle.

Un mélange de framboises rouges et de piments habaneros qui composent une sauce unique, à la fois piquante et douce. Relevez le goût des viandes grillées, rôties telles que l'agneau, le canard et les autres volailles. Versez-la sur le fromage à la crème, le brie chaud ou la crème glacée. Mélangez-la dans une vinaigrette à salade.

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