Leakproof Glass Container Set

Item Number: 100223


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Leakproof Glass Containers

This set of three glass containers covers your storage needs for leftovers and meal prep. The snap-lock lids give you airtight seals to keep food fresh and not spill all over your fridge or lunch bag.

These containers make it easy to reheat leftovers or cook a small amount of food. They can go in the fridge, freezer, and microwave. The glass container can even go in a 350°F (180°C) oven.

Product Details

This set includes the following items (see individual product pages for more information).

3-Cup (750-mL) Leakproof Glass Container

  • The perfect size for sandwiches and lunch-sized portions.

5¼-Cup (1.2-L) Leakproof Glass Container

  • A great size for storing leftover salmon, pizza, potatoes, or chicken.

8¼-Cup (1.9-L) Leakproof Glass Container

  • The best option for large amounts of leftovers.

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