Meat Tenderizer

Item Number: 2705


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Dual-Sided Meat Pounder and Tenderizer

Use the toothed side of this tool to tenderize tough cuts of meat for for dishes like stews. Mallet tenderizers breaks down fibers of the meat and makes it more tender. This style of tenderizer works well with flank or round eye steaks. The flat side of the disk on the tenderizer flattens meat so that it will cook more quickly and evenly—think chicken breasts or pork chops. You can also use the flat side to crush cookies, crackers, cereal, nuts, and other foods to use in crusts and other recipes.

Using a Meat Tenderizer

To use the tenderizer, we recommend putting meat between sheets of plastic wrap to prevent sticking and then place the meat on a cutting board or other flat survace. Use the spiked side of the mallet to pound the meat, starting at the center and working your way outwards. Pound lightly to prevent over-tenderizing or creating holes in the meat. Using a meat mallet right before marinating can aid in marinade saturation.


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Product Details

  • 4" (10-cm) handle
  • 3¼ (8-cm) disc diameter
  • Reversible disc
  • Heavy-duty, chrome-plated zinc
  • Dishwasher-safe


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